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Title: The use of tensorboard for visualization and collaborative development
Authors: Starovoitov, I. A.
Keywords: tensorboard
machine learning
тензорная доска
машинное обучение
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Starovoitov, I. A. The use of tensorboard for visualization and collaborative development / I. A. Starovoitov // 74-я научно-техническая конференция учащихся, студентов и магистрантов : тезисы докладов, 17-22 апреля 2023 г., Минск : в 4 ч. Ч. 3. - Минск : БГТУ, 2023. – С. 456.
Abstract: The widespread development and application of machine learning models has forced the creation of utilities needed to monitor the state of the model and the results obtained. One such utility is TensorBoard, a set of tools for the visualization and monitoring of the state of machine learning models.
Appears in Collections:материалы конференции постатейно

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