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Title: Promising construction ways of access roads to forest highways on grounds with low soils bearing capacity
Authors: Kaleda, G. M.
Keywords: forest roads
лесные дороги
подъездные пути
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Kaleda, G. M. Promising construction ways of access roads to forest highways on grounds with low soils bearing capacity / G. M. Kaleda // 74-я научно-техническая конференция учащихся, студентов и магистрантов : тезисы докладов, 17-22 апреля 2023 г., Минск : в 4 ч. Ч. 3. - Минск : БГТУ, 2023. – С. 431-432.
Abstract: The subject of this work is access roads to forest highways which play an important role in forestry. They come in the form of roads, trails, paths and provide access to forested areas, help to implement various forest operations, such as cutting trees, timber transportation, and forest plantations management. However, it is necessary to take into account the area ground conditions to ensure their reliability and durability while planning and con-structing access roads.
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