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Title: Investigation of force parameters during rolling in relief rolls
Authors: Esbolat, Aibol
Panin, Evgeniy
Arbuz, Alexandr
Kuis, Dmitry
Naizabekov, Abdrakhman
Lezhnev, Sergey
Yerzhanov, Almas
Krupenkin, Ivan
Tolkushkin, Andrey
Kawalek, Anna
Voroshilov, Denis
Keywords: blanks
computer modelling
finite element method
relief rolls
rolling in relief rolls
компьютерное моделирование
метод конечных элементов
прокатка в рельефных валках
рельефные валки
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Investigation of force parameters during rolling in relief rolls / A. Esbolat [et al] // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. - 2023. - Vol. 58, № 5. - P. 961-968. - Bibliogr.: 8 nam. - il.
Abstract: The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the force parameters of thick-sheet blanks rolling in relief rolls. Empirical dependences were obtained to determine the average rolling pressure and force. When studying the pressure, the approach of replacing the defonnation scheme with a flat analog was used. In the analysis of the force, the finite element method was used to determine the geometric parameters of the defonnation zone. Verification of the obtained dependencies was carried out by comparison with the results of computer simulation. Comparative analysis showed high convergence of the calculation and simulation results, as well as the possibility of applying the fonnulas obtained not only for symmetrical rolling or for speed asymmetry, but also in the case of rolling in relief rolls of different diameters.
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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