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Title: Numerical modelling of division process in the air multicascade gravitational qualifier
Authors: Chirkun, D. I.
Levdanski, A. E.
Yarmolik, S. V.
Levdanski, E. I.
Keywords: сыпучие материалы
гравитационные классификаторы
компьютерное моделирование
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Numerical modelling of division process in the air multicascade gravitational qualifier / D. I. Chirkun [et al.] // Proceedings of BSTU. Issue 3 : Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. – Minsk : BSTU, 2012. – P. 122-125
Abstract: As a result of researches movement of air with firm particles in a new design of the two-level gravitational qualifier is simulated. Cross-section-line character of movement of air and firm particles in the device is investigated. Influence on resistance of the qualifier of average in relation to crosssection section of speed of air and frequency of rotation of a separating wheel is investigated, at approximation of the received dependences by a square parabola value of factor of resistance is received. The boundary size of division of particles is calculated at modelling of classification of quartz sand and compared with results of experimental researches. Satisfactory convergence of settlement and experimental values is received. The developed model can be used for calculation of process of classification of loose polydisperse materials.
Appears in Collections:2012, № 3

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