Browsing by Subject porphyrins
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Evaluation of photodynamic activity and physico-chemical determinants of sensibilization of transformed tissues and cells by chlorine type photosensitizers: molecular and cellular aspects | Zorin, V. P.; Zorina, T. E.; Kravchenko, I. E.; Khludeyev, I. I.; Shman, T. V.; Belevtsev, M. V. |
2018 | Joining Corroles and Phthalocyanines in Functional Porphyrinoid Arrays | Berna, Beatrice Berionni; Platzer, Benedikt; Galloni, Pierluca; Nardis, Sara; Guldi, Dirk M.; Torres, Tomas; Paolesse, Roberto |
2024 | Peculiarities of singlet oxygen delta[g] generation by nanoassemblies containing porphyrin macrocycles | Zenkevich, E. I.; Parkhats, M. V.; Dzhagarov, B. M.; Borczyskowskic, C. |
2014 | Porphyrin Core Dendrimers with Ether-Linked Carbazole Dendrons: Dual Luminescence of Core and Conformational Flexibility of Dendritic Shell | Nguyen, Tran Nguyen; Coutiño-Gonzalez, Eduardo; Hofkens, Johan; Scheblykin, Ivan G.; Dehaen, Wim; Kruk, Mikalai |
2018 | Porphyrinoid Materials for Organic Electronics and Advanced Healthcare | Kelchtermans, Mathias; Gielen, Sam; Deckers, Jasper; Maes, Wouter |
2022 | Porphyrins as molecular probes of surface structure, optical properties, and energy relaxation pathways for semiconductor quantum dots | Zenkevich, E.; Sheinin, V.; Kulikova, O.; Koifman, O. |
2015 | Quantum chemical insights into the dependence of porphyrin basicity on the meso-aryl substituents: thermodynamics, buckling, reaction sites and molecular flexibility | Presselt, Martin; Dehaen, Wim; Maes, Wouter; Klamt, Andreas; Martı´nez, Todd; Beenken, Wichard J. D.; Kruk, Mikalai |
2013 | Spectral manifestation of diacid formation for ostalkylporhyrins in fluorescence line narrowing spectra | Starukhin, A. S.; Kruk, M. M.; Gladkova, O. L.; Scheblykin, I. |
2018 | Spectral Signature of the Equilibrium Distribution of the Free Base 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(3-N-methylpyridyl)-porphyrin Atropisomers in Solution | Liulkovich, Lizaveta S.; Pukhovskaya, Svetlana G.; Ivanova, Yulia B.; Semeikin, Alexander S.; Kruk, Mikalai M. |
2018 | Substitution Architecture Control of the Macrocycle Nonplanarity in the Free Base Corroles | Klenitsky, Dmitry V.; Maes, Wouter; Kruk, Mikalai M. |
2018 | Synthetic aspects of preparation of hydrogenated porphyrins | Lyubimtsev, A.; Semeikin, S.; Zheglova, N.; Syrby, S. |
2018 | Tautomerism in Porphyrin Isomers | Waluk, Jacek |