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dc.contributor.authorTupik, P. V.en
dc.contributor.authorMantitskaya, A. V.en
dc.identifier.citationTupik, P. V. Investigation of properties and sowing qualities of forest seeds of european larch / P. V. Tupik, A. V. Mantitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. – Minsk : BSTU. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 115-117.en
dc.description.abstractThe paper dwells upon size-quality characteristics of cones and sowing qualities of European larch seeds harvested from different plantations (forest cultures and seed plantation), their age being different. As a result of the investigation it has been identified that qualitative and quantitative characteristics of European larch forest seeds harvested from forest and seed plantations show no considerable differences. A significant difference has been found for sowingqualities of seeds. It has been stated that with increasing age the seed germination increases from 0–20% (biological age of 8 years) to 34.5–35.6% (biological age of 10 years). The paper gives some recommendations on European larch cones harvesting taking into account its biological features.en
dc.subjectхарактеристики шишекru
dc.subjectсемена европейской лиственницыru
dc.subjectлесные плантацииru
dc.subjectсеменные плантацииru
dc.subjectкачество семянru
dc.titleInvestigation of properties and sowing qualities of forest seeds of european larchen
Располагается в коллекциях:2014, № 1

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