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dc.contributor.authorKlyuev, A. Yu.en
dc.contributor.authorKozlov, N. G.en
dc.contributor.authorProkopchuk, N. R.en
dc.contributor.authorRozhkova, E. I.en
dc.contributor.authorGorshcharik, N. D.en
dc.contributor.authorPuchkova, N. V.en
dc.identifier.citationAntiseptics on the basis of terpenoid compounds: synthesis, properties and application / A. Yu. Klyuev [et al.] // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 4. – Minsk : BSTU, 2014. – P. 43-48en
dc.description.abstractCurrently, chemical methods of pest bio deterioration of materials, products and constructions are the main complex of destructive actions. In particularwood preservative very effective way to save forest resources for the longest time protects. In developed countries, the use of antiseptics reached industrial scale. The search of effective forms of applyingantiseptics and rational use of them continue to be relevant tasks. The review is devoted to the methods of antiseptics on the basis of the terpenoid compounds. It is given broad spectrum biocide properties of antiseptics and use of anti-septic funds in protective compositions and coatings for various purposes.en
dc.subjectантисептические средстваru
dc.subjectзащита древесиныru
dc.titleAntiseptics on the basis of terpenoid compounds: synthesis, properties and applicationen
Располагается в коллекциях:2014, № 4

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