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dc.contributor.authorMoroz, E. V.en
dc.contributor.authorStasevich, O. V.en
dc.identifier.citationMoroz, E. V. Validation of the anabolic steroids determination method in biological active additives for sportsmen / E. V. Moroz, O. V. Stasevich // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 4. – Minsk : BSTU, 2016. – P. 121-123en
dc.description.abstractThe validation of the method of qualitative determination of anabolic steroids in biological active additives for sportsmen by gas chromatography with mass-detection has been carried out in this work. The experimental researches have been carried out at the gas chromatograph Agilent 7890 А and mass-spectrometer Agilent 7000 with triple quadrupole at health protection institution “National anti-doping laboratory”. The sample preparation has been done by the extraction of the analyzed compounds and their tr ansformation into volatile trimethylsilyl derivatives. The identification of these received compounds has been carried out by their reten-tion time and their mass-spectra. The de termination of validation characteristics of qualitative determination of some anabolic steroids in a biological active additive for sportsmen “Isolife isotonic” has been carried out: 17-α-metyltestosterone, dihydroepiandr osterone, nandrolone, methandienone, testosterone. As a result of validation of this method it has been confirmed that such characteristics as selectivity, limit of detection, sample carrying, robustness are in the accordance with acceptable criteria. Сonsequently, this method could be used for finding out anabolic steroids in biolog ical active additives and special food for sportsmen.en
dc.subjectбиологически активные добавкиru
dc.subjectанаболические стероидыru
dc.subjectгазохроматографический анализru
dc.subjectвалидация стероидовru
dc.subjectспортивное питаниеru
dc.titleValidation of the anabolic steroids determination method in biological active additives for sportsmenen
Appears in Collections:2016, № 4

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