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dc.contributor.authorGrushova, E. I.en
dc.contributor.authorYurkevich, A. Yu.en
dc.contributor.authorYusevich, A. I.en
dc.contributor.authorMalevich, N. N.en
dc.contributor.authorSharif, A. S.en
dc.identifier.citationAdditives-modifiers for intensification of oil straight-run distillation and heavy petroleum residues oxidation / E. I. Grushova [et al.] // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 4. – Minsk : BSTU, 2015. – P. 92-94en
dc.description.abstractNative oil atmospheric vacuum distillation in presence of the heavy pyrolysis tar (0.5–5.0 wt %) allows increasing the distillate fractions screening. Structural-group composition of the resulting residual oil product differs from the composition of the residue obtained by fractional distillation of the oil without the additive mostly due to aromatic structur es content increase. The modified residue oxidation runs more slowly and the product with lower melting point is formed.en
dc.subjectатмосферно-вакуумная перегонкаru
dc.subjectперегонка нефтиru
dc.subjectпрямая перегонка нефтиru
dc.subjectтяжелая смола пиролизаru
dc.subjectокисленные битумыru
dc.titleAdditives-modifiers for intensification of oil straight-run distillation and heavy petroleum residues oxidationen
Располагается в коллекциях:2015, № 4

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