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dc.contributor.authorDolinskaya, Ren
dc.contributor.authorProkopchuk, N. R.en
dc.contributor.authorKorovina, Yu. V.en
dc.identifier.citationDolinskaya, R. M. Modification of synthetic rubbers to improve the elastic and strength properties of the elastomeric compositions / R. M. Dolinskaya, N. R. Prokopchuk, Yu. V. Korovina // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 4. – Minsk : BSTU, 2015. – P. 24-29en
dc.description.abstractThe effect of carbon black P803 different manufacturers on the complex properties of rubber for the manufacture of molded rubber products. Pick up objects and methods. As objects of study chosen rubber mixture based on a combination of rubber SKI-3 and SKD, and rubber compounds based on natural rubber. Found that the use of carbon black P803 from different manufacturers have different effects on the viscosity index, resistance to aging under static compressive strain on the kinetics of vulcanization of rubber mixtures in which it was determined that the most extensive period of induction are rubber compounds using carbon black products P803 JSC “Tuymazytechcarbon” and rubber mixture with its addition have low curing rate due to a low pH aqueous suspensions. The studies show that the carbon black producer JSC “Ivanovo techcarbon and rubber” having a high pH value of an aqueous suspension, the rate of vulcanization of the rubber composition is quite high, as well as an increase in pH increases the activity of the carbon black at the time of mixing and causes premature vulcanization of rubber mixtures. The results obtained allowed to propose a rubber composition based on a combination of rubber SKI-3 and SKD with the addition of carbon black P803 producer of JSC “Tuymazytechcarbon” for the production of shock absorbers, which can be manufactured by JSC “Belarus’rezinotekhnika” without changing the production scheme of molded rubber products.en
dc.subjectсинтетические каучукиru
dc.subjectэластомерные композицииru
dc.subjectрезиновые смесиru
dc.subjectтехнический углеродru
dc.titleModification of synthetic rubbers to improve the elastic and strength properties of the elastomeric compositionsen
Располагается в коллекциях:2015, № 4

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