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dc.contributor.authorAsmolovskiy, M. K.en
dc.identifier.citationAsmolovskiy, M. K. Status and prospects of planting mechanization / M. K. Asmolovskiy // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2015. – P. 72-75en
dc.description.abstractThe efficiency of the plantation mechanized met hod depends on the type and quality of the planting material, machine design and qualification of ma intenance personnel. The quality of seedlings and saplings is characterized by the correlation length of the surface part and root system, which should be in the range from 2:1 to 3:1. The actuator landing apparatus of the modern forest machines are gear from the packer to the skating rink and the main condition exclusions passes when boarding is the se-lection of the speed mode, when the worker has time to put the seedling from the receiving table to the next clip in the capture and transport formed by the voter seat (the slit in the soil). The process of feeding plants in soil, the most common planting device of the radiation type, and studies of quantum filing or the time allowed for the interception of seedling of the beam. It is established that at the minimum step of the landing of 0.5 m, the quantum of supply ranges from 2.0 to 0.9 s in the range of operating speeds of the machine from 0.8 to 2.5 km/h. For other steps of the planting cycle is determined in proportion to the number of seizures in the boarding apparatus. At step landing 0.75 m in accordance with tact, ensuring no gaps in the supply of planting material, the speed equal to 2.8–3.3 km/h.en
dc.subjectпосадка сеянцевru
dc.subjectлесопосадочные машиныru
dc.subjectпосадка лесаru
dc.subjectмеханизация лесохозяйственных работru
dc.subjectпосадочные аппаратыru
dc.titleStatus and prospects of planting mechanizationen
Appears in Collections:2015, № 1

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