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dc.contributor.authorYushkevich, M. V.en
dc.identifier.citationYushkevich, M. V. Stand composition, keeps a high resistance to recreation and is attractive to the population / M. V. Yushkevich // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2015. – P. 68-71en
dc.description.abstractFound the average compositions of pine, spruce and birch stands and the direction of their changes under intensive recreational influence. High recreational load in the pine forests increases the proportion of birch, spruce reduce, simplify the composition of to a 2–3 most resistant species. Reduced pure area of forest stands. In spruce, th ere is some reduction in the number of tree species, their share slight-ly vary. More resistant spruce mixed with other species shares from 50 to 10–20%. In birch is an in-crease in the proportion of pine and birch, a significant reduction in the proportion of spruce. Identified average compositions stands in stands, characterized by high aesthetic properties, the direction of change of compositions by increasing the attractiven ess of the population. Decorative pine stands are characterized by a decrease in the proportion of pure and mixed pine forests increase. Decline in the proportion of spruce and aspen, pine increase increase s the attractiveness of spru ce forests. Increase in the proportion of birch increases, and the presence of aspen and alder glutinosa reduces the aesthetic qualities of birch trees. Based on the identified trends recommended optimal composition of forest stands, as well as the optimal share of compositionally different stands.en
dc.subjectсостав древостоевru
dc.subjectсосновые древостоиru
dc.subjectеловые древостоиru
dc.subjectберезовые древостоиru
dc.subjectрекреационные нагрузкиru
dc.subjectрекреационное использование лесовru
dc.subjectформирование древостоевru
dc.titleStand composition, keeps a high resistance to recreation and is attractive to the populationen
Располагается в коллекциях:2015, № 1

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