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dc.contributor.authorMarozau, Aleh-
dc.contributor.authorKotsan, Uladzimir-
dc.contributor.authorKalishuk, Adam-
dc.identifier.citationMarozau, A. Reintroduction of the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Bialowieza Forest / Aleh Marozau, Uladzimir Kotsan, Adam Kalishuk // Baltic Forestry. - 2021. - Vol. 27, No 1. - pp. 121-131ru
dc.descriptionIn 1996 and 1998, Professor A. Korczyk created a half-sib plantation of the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest (Hajnówka Forest District, sub-district Wilczy Jar, subcompartments 416Ag and 416Сf). The planting was carried out in furrows at a spacing of 1.3 × 1 m in three plots of 0.22 ha each in an area of fresh broadleaved forest. To grow the seedlings, seeds from the “Tisovik” tract (in the Belarusian part of the Białowieża Forest) were used. According to some researchers, the Abies alba in this tract has a natural origin and is a relic of the Białowieża Forest. Given this circumstance, and in connection with the mass drying-out of the Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., there is a practical interest in studying the growth of fir establishment in this territory. The results of our studies (2018) indicated the very intensive growth of this species in 22-year-old cultures (sub-compartment 416Ag, plot 1, 10 half-sib families). The trees showed no signs of disease or insect damage, their crowns were conical in shape and the shoots were densely covered with needles. The good state of the forest planting can be considered as evidence of soil and hydrological conditions suitable for growth and meeting the ecological and biological requirements of A. alba, as well as confirmation of its autochthonous
dc.subjectBialowieza Forestru
dc.subjectEuropean firru
dc.subjectEuropean fir reintroductionru
dc.subjectБеловежская пущаru
dc.subjectпихта европейскаяru
dc.subjectреинтродукция пихтыru
dc.titleReintroduction of the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Bialowieza Forestru
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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