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dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, A. N.-
dc.contributor.authorTugova, E. A.-
dc.contributor.authorPopkov, V. I.-
dc.contributor.authorKarpov, O. N.-
dc.contributor.authorKlyndyuk, A. I.-
dc.identifier.citationPersonalized energy systems based on nanostructured materials / A. N.Kovalenko [et. al.] // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2021. - Vol. 12, № 3. - С. 368-403. - Bibliogr.: 364
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the achievements, problems and prospects of creating personalized energy systems based on nanostructured materials are analysed. Various concepts of developing methods and ways of personalized energy provision for autonomous human survival in remote natural habitat, emergency situations of natural disasters and technogenic catastrophes when centralized power supply is unavailable or in an effort to reduce the economic and environmental costs of remote energy production and transportation are also considered. The possibilities and limitations of using traditional and renewable alternative energy sources, processes and devices for extracting, storing and converting their energy into the necessary consumer forms due to fundamental physical laws are discussed as well. The article covers the new nanostructured materials with special functional properties for personalized energy systems development. The mechanisms for formation of the required nanostructures in synthesized materials, especially those with a high content of fractal interfacial formations, are considered as well as methods for studying their structural and phase characteristics that determine the achievability of the specified parameters of model converters and energy storage
dc.subjectautonomous energy provisionru
dc.subjectавтономное энергоснабжениеru
dc.subjectenergetic resourcesru
dc.subjectэнергетические ресурсыru
dc.subjectenergy conversionru
dc.subjectпреобразование энергииru
dc.subjectfunctional materialsru
dc.subjectфункциональные материалыru
dc.subjectnon-autonomous phaseru
dc.subjectнеавтономная фазаru
dc.titlePersonalized energy systems based on nanostructured materialsru
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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