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dc.contributor.authorNosnikov, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorAlam, Michel-
dc.identifier.citationNosnikov V. V., Alam M. Problems of reforestation in the Lebanese Republic // Труды БГТУ. Сер. 1, Лесное хоз-во, природопользование и перараб. возобновляемых ресурсов. 2023. № 1 (264). С. 23–33. DOI: 10.52065/
dc.description.abstractEach geographical location has its own dynamic on different levels, such as but not limited to climatological, soil, vegetation, population, economic and many more. The fast-changing paste of cultural, environmental, economic, and many other factors made it hard on the vegetation cover to heal and recover. As a result, a lot of forests have shrunk in area, in vegetation density, even disappeared. Tremendous efforts are invested towards stopping and/or reversing the deforestation occurring due its vital importance, one of it is through reforestation. All previously mention factors along other factors have affected the Lebanese context of reforestation in a way or another. Lebanese forests regressed to dramatical levels, where it became an issue of vital importance due to the big environmental role play the vegetation cover in terms of soil erosion, water conservation, animal habitat, and air purification. This article shed the light on the reforestation challenges and problems in Lebanon, where key challenges are addressed and dissected. In addition, an insight on the past and recent reforestation techniques, projects, and how international organization stepped in under the Lebanese Government umbrella and helped to render the whole pross more efficient with a higher degree of successru
dc.subjectLebanon forestsru
dc.subjectclimate changeru
dc.subjectreforestation challengesru
dc.titleProblems of reforestation in the Lebanese Republicru
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