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dc.contributor.authorZaiyn, A. K.-
dc.contributor.authorAzimov, A. M.-
dc.contributor.authorTulekbaeva, A. K.-
dc.contributor.authorOtunshiyeva, A. E.-
dc.contributor.authorVetokhin, S. S.-
dc.identifier.citationSelf-assessment method as a basis for improving the enterprise management system / A. K. Zaiyn, A. M. Azimov, A. R. Tulekbaeva [et al] // Industrial Technology and Engineering. - 2022. - № 1. - P. 20-26. - Bibliogr.: 7
dc.description.abstractThe development of systematic quality management of all types of activities of domestic enterprises becomes a factor in their competitiveness, both on the national and international trade markets. The leaders of Kazakhstani companies are increasingly beginning to pay attention to modern management concepts and theories, which form the cornerstone of the work of many leading foreign firms, focused primarily on the development of strategic plans for their development using assessment criteria of the strengths and weaknesses of activities, as well as allowing to analyze real opportunities, resources and vulnerabilities of the enterprise in relation to the external environment. One of these tools is the method of self-assessment of the enterprise, which allows you to get a complete picture of its activities, to find out whether its consumers, staff, partners, suppliers, shareholders and society as a whole are satisfied. At the same time, the application of self-assessment in practice will provide a systematic approach to business improvement, which requires an international standard in the field of quality. In this regard, the issues of studying the content, methods, models and process of self-assessment, its place and role in the quality management system of an enterprise, as one of the key steps towards rooting the philosophy of quality in the practice of the activities of Kazakhstani companies, are becoming relevant. The article presents the results of a practical approach to the use of the mechanism of self-assessment of activities in the formation and improvement of the organization's quality management
dc.subjectquality controlru
dc.subjectконтроль качестваru
dc.subjectenterprise managementru
dc.subjectуправление предприятиемru
dc.titleSelf-assessment method as a basis for improving the enterprise management systemru
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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