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Title: Financial Technology on Chinese Commercial Banks
Authors: Lukashuk, N. A.
Aminti, H.
Keywords: Financial Technology
Chinese Commercial Banks
Internet finance
online lending
финансовые технологии
китайские коммерческие банки
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Lukashuk, N. A. Financial Technology on Chinese Commercial Banks / N. A. Lukashuk, H. Aminti // Цифровизация: экономика и управление производством : материалы 88-й научно-технической конференции профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и аспирантов, Минск, 24 января–16 февраля 2024 г. – Минск : БГТУ, 2024. – С. 251-254.
Abstract: Chinese commercial banks primarily profit from the spread between deposit and loan interest rates. As a financial intermediary, commercial banks have relied on their information cost advantage to match the supply and demand sides of funds. Internet finance widely uses big data and cloud computing, which not only greatly reduces the costs of information collection and post supervision in loans, but also reduces the information asym-metry between financing parties.
Appears in Collections:материалы конференции постатейно

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