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dc.contributor.authorVikhrenko, V.-
dc.contributor.authorLasovsky, R.-
dc.contributor.authorPatsahan, T.-
dc.identifier.citationVikhrenko, V. Monte Carlo simulation of a 3D solid electrolyte on a simple cubic lattice: concentration and electric field distribution at and without an external field / V. Vikhrenko, R. Lasovsky, T. Patsahan // Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications : programme and abstracts the 5th Conference, Lviv, 3-6 july 2019. - Lviv : Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. - P.
dc.description.abstractSolid electrolytes are widely used in rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, super­capacitors, to name a few. Accounting for long range Coulomb interactions is one of the challenges in their theoretical investigations. Additional difficulties appear due to their ceramic structure and presence of intergrain
dc.publisherInstitute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraineru
dc.subjectMonte Carlo methodru
dc.subjectметод Монте-Карлоru
dc.subjectcubic latticeru
dc.subjectкубическая решеткаru
dc.subjectelectric fieldru
dc.subjectэлектрическое полеru
dc.titleMonte Carlo simulation of a 3D solid electrolyte on a simple cubic lattice: concentration and electric field distribution at and without an external fieldru
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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