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Title: Influence of stump extraction, thinning and perennial lupine introduction on the growth of experimental common spruce forest plantations
Authors: Shtukin, S. S.
Keywords: корчевка пней
продуктивность древостоев
разреживание древостоев
люпин многолетний
ель европейская
лесные насаждения
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Shtukin, S. S. Influence of stump extraction, thinning and perennial lupine introduction on the growth of experimental common spruce forest plantations / S. S. Shtukin // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2013. – P. 87-89
Abstract: The results of research of studies of the effect uprooting stumps broad and narrow stripes on the productivity of fir in mossy fir are submitted. Found that uprooting stumps wide strips have a negative impact on the productivity of stands. However, with the introduction of long-term lupine and holding of selection thinning of young stands negative consequences of this measure significantly mitigated.
Appears in Collections:2013, № 1

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