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Title: Sod-podzolic groundwater cryptogley and groundwater gley soils of the Belarusian polesye region
Authors: Sokolovski, I. V.
Bespaly, А. А.
Keywords: лесные почвы
дерново-подзолистые почвы
грунтово-слабоглееватые почвы
грунтово-глееватые почвы
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Sokolovski, I. V. Sod-podzolic groundwater cryptogley and groundwater gley soils of the Belarusian polesye region / I. V. Sokolovski, А. А. Bespaly // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2013. – P. 125-129
Abstract: Findings of investigation of a constitution, compound and properties of sod-podzolic weakly gleyey and gleyey forest soils of the Belarus Polesye region are resulted. It is defined gradation analysis and properties. It is specified, that sod-podzolic weakly gleyey and gleyey soils are formed on fluvioglacial and old alluvial sandy and sandy-loam deposits. The humus content in sod-podzolic soils averages 2– 3%. Soils are characterised middle acidic to subacidic reaction of medium, the degree of soils saturation of the base varies from 33% in a humus horizon to 79% in underlaying horizons. They are formed bracken, bilberry and oxalis phylums of ouk-woods on a given soils.
Appears in Collections:2013, № 1

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