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Title: Assessment of phytotoxic action of insecticides on scotch pine (pinus silvestris) seeds
Authors: Blintsov, А. I.
Kozel, А. V.
Kruk, N. К.
Kovbasa, N. P.
Keywords: сосна обыкновенная
семена сосны
химические средства защиты
всхожесть семян
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Assessment of phytotoxic action of insecticides on scotch pine (Pinus silvestris) seeds / А. I. Blintsov [et al.] // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2013. – P. 138-140
Abstract: The results of assessment of phytotoxic action of several contemporary insecticides on pine seeds germination are presented. It was found that this pesticides don’t show inhibitory influence on germinating seeds, that allows to recommend investigated insecticides for further assessment of their biological efficacy against pests of pine stands.
Appears in Collections:2013, № 1

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