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Title: Herbicides application at cultivation of the planting stock of deciduous species in forest nurseries
Authors: Nosnikov, V. V.
Mayseenok, A. P.
Keywords: гербициды
лесные питомники
биометрические показатели
посевы черной ольхи
применение гербицидов
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Nosnikov, V. V. Herbicides application at cultivation of the planting stock of deciduous species in forest nurseries / V. V. Nosnikov, A. P. Mayseenok // Proceedings of BSTU. – Minsk : BSTU. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 99-103.
Abstract: The results of herbicides preemergence application in the deciduous species sowing department of forest nurseries are given here. Only herbicide Terrsanshowed reduction of biometric indices in the application dosage of 20 gr/hectare. The negative effectwas not observed when the quantity of the applied drug was reduced to a half. Good results were obtained in black alder sowings after their treatment with herbicides Grom and Zontran. Treatment of silver birch (Betulapendula) and black alder (Alnusglutinosa) sowings by herbicide Terrsanresulted in the planting stock death.
Appears in Collections:2014, № 1

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