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Title: Herbicides application experiment during chemical treatment in forest plantations
Authors: Nosnikov, V. V.
Yurenya, A. V.
Mayseenok, A. P.
Keywords: химический уход
почвенные гербициды
химическая обработка
лесные культуры
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Nosnikov, V. V. Herbicides application experiment during chemical treatment in forest plantations / V. V. Nosnikov, A. V. Yurenya, A. P. Mayseenok // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 1. – Minsk : BSTU, 2016. – P. 61-64
Abstract: Oppression of forest plantation on cutting areas is observed first of all at the expense of a intensive growth of undesirable wood and shrub vegetation. Chemical care in forest plantation can be carried ou t before their planting, prior to the beginning of vegetation period, during vegetation period. The more safer in relation to treated forest cultures is ma-chining before their planting. In this case it is better to use soil herbicides with the long term of action, such as Terrsan in a dose of 100–200 g/hectares, th e Grader in a dose of 1 l/hectare. Machining Glifos in a dose of 4–8 l/hectares also is effective, however the best effect render tank mixtures of these herbicides. Optimum time of machining is the middle of summer till the cultural operations moment and on tilled soil (to drills, strips) till the end of October. We carried out treatment of plantation of a Lárix decídua, Betula pendula, Pícea ábies, Tília cordáta. Machining prior to the beginning of vegetation period is a little effective, as in negligible extent acts on wood and shrub plants. In vegetation period it is possible to use direct machining of strips abuting to rows by hand sprayers with screen with herbicides of Terrsan, the Grader, Glifos and them tank mixtures. In the end of vegetation period the most effective is machining of crops of a spruce by tank mixture of herbicide of Terrsan in a dose of 100 g/hectares and Glifos in a dose of 4 l/hectares in September. At augmentation of a dose of Terrsan to 200 g/hectares or Glifos to 6–8 l/hectares increases risk of damage of plantation of spruce crops.
Appears in Collections:2016, № 1

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