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Title: Biosorption-biocoagulation detoxification of waste water by active sludge
Authors: Ignatenko, A. V.
Keywords: очистка сточных вод
детоксикация сточных вод
тяжелые металлы
токсичность сточных вод
активный ил
биологическая очистка
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: BSTU
Citation: Ignatenko, A. V. Biosorption-biocoagulation detoxification of waste water by active sludge / A. V. Ignatenko // Proceedings of BSTU. No. 4. – Minsk : BSTU, 2015. – P. 183-186
Abstract: In the article it was described a problem of wast e water purification from heavy metals. It was proposed biosorption-biocoagulation way of water detoxification at primary se ttlers by part of active sludge with the aim to decrease heavy metals influence at water treatment. It was shown that the main part of heavy metals of waste water is in colloid-bound fo rm. At studying sorption properties of periphyton and active sludge at different stages of wa ter treatment it was found that active sludge of 1st, 4th corridors of aero-tank and sludge camera had a maximum bounding capacity to Fe ions. Biological testing of E. gracilis cell’s movement made it clear that toxicity level of waste water in primary settlers decreased 5–6 times after biosorption-biocoagulation detoxification, and purified water satisfied nominative demands on toxicity.
Appears in Collections:2015, № 4

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