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Название: Selective recovery of vanadium pentoxide from spent catalysts of sulfuric acid production: Sustainable approach
Авторы: Romanovskaia, Elena
Romanovski, Valentin
Kwapinski, Witold
Kurilo, Irina
Ключевые слова: Spent vanadium catalysts
Extraction of vanadium
vanadium oxide
leaching solutions
waste recycling
оксид ванадия
отработанные ванадиевые катализаторы
извлечение ванадия
рециклинг отходов
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Selective recovery of vanadium pentoxide from spent catalysts of sulfuric acid production: Sustainable approach / Elena Romanovskaia [et al.] // Hydrometallurgy. - 2021. - T. 200. - № 105568
Описание: Spent vanadium catalysts of sulfuric acid production (main elemental composition in wt%: 7.5 V, 9.1 K, 10.2 S, 23.2 Si and 1.4 Fe) can be used as a secondary source of vanadium. Extraction of vanadium was studied using two-step leaching (acidic and reductive) of spent vanadium catalysts with further oxidizing of leaching solutions. The factors leaching and hydrolysis temperature, concentration of leaching (H[2]SO[4], Na[2]SO[3]) and oxidizing ((NH[4])[2]S[2]O[8]) reagents, solid/liquid ratio, mixing parameters, and time of leaching and thermohydrolysis were systematically investigated. The solubility of V[2]O[5] was investigated as a function of temperature, pH of sulfuric acid solutions, and concentration of Na[2]SO[3]. The kinetics of V[2]O[5] solubility and reduction were also studied. The vanadium leaching yield after a two-step recovery was 98 wt% after acidic (H[2]SO[4], pH 1.2–1.3) leaching with ultrasonic treatment for 5 min at ambient temperature, followed by reductive leaching in 0.01 Mol/L Na[2]SO[3] solution for 15 min at ambient temperature. The highest vanadium extraction yield from leaching solutions was 98 wt% obtained through oxidizing of leaching solutions by 30 wt%. (NH[4])[2]S[2]O[8] with a molar ratio n(V[2]O[5])/n ((NH[4])[2]S[2]O[8]) of 5/1 for a reaction time of 5 min at 80–90 ◦C. the extracted vanadium product was V[2]O[5] with a purity of 85–87 wt%. The technological scheme has been developed to recycle all obtained products and subproducts.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.belstu.by/handle/123456789/40288
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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