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Название: Stability of natural regeneration at ravine-gylly systems
Авторы: Khryk, V. M.
Kimeichuk, I. V.
Nosnikau, Vadzim Valeravich
Rabko, Siarhei Uladzimiravich
Kozel, Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich
Maliuga, V. N.
Yukhnovskyi, V. Y.
Ключевые слова: sanitary state
coefficient of tension
natural regeneration
fallow lands
Дата публикации: 2021
Издательство: БГТУ
Библиографическое описание: Khryk V. M., Kimeichuk I. V., Nosnikau V. V., Rabko S. U., Kozel A. U., Maliuha V. M., Yukhnovskyi V. Y. Stability of natural regeneration at ravine-gylly systems. Труды БГТУ. Сер. 1. Лесное хоз-во, природопользование и перераб. возобновляемых ресурсов. 2021. № 2 (246). С. 103–111
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Peculiarities of growth and current sanitary condition of natural regeneration of Scots pine on ravinebeam systems of Rzhyshchiv-Kaniv dislocations are analyzed. Coefficients of tree growth tension were determined that indicate their greatest values occur in dense places where plants with the minimum diameter try to reach the maximum possible height. It is correlated with sites. At the same time, they are strongly associated with the age of the plants. At a young age, the stress of tree growth becomes greatest and over time decreases. As a result, young plants have a maximum loss. The index of sanitary condition which is in an interval I.6–II.3 is established. This allows us to state the condition of the plantations as weakened, which is confirmed by the coefficients of tension of their growth. Plants of natural regeneration due to dense placement experience increased competitive influence from other trees, which affects the intensity of their growth. This accelerates differentiation, natural selection and increases the resilience of forest ecosystems to global climate change, to avoid mass drying of Scots pine. For the first time, an attempt was made to experimentally apply the coefficient of growth tension of natural regeneration on ravine-gully systems in order to clarify the feasibility of forestry measures in plantations on fallow lands. The results of research indicate the importance of regulating the density of natural regeneration, determining the duration of intervention in ecosystem change and the feasibility of their implementation on the basis of experimental justification of the number of trees by the growth rate
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.belstu.by/handle/123456789/42144
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