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Title: Palindromes at the Process of Studying
Authors: Иванова, А. В.
Keywords: palindromes
English palindromes
learning English language
английский язык
английские палиндромы
изучение английского языка
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Иванова, А. В. Palindromes at the Process of Studying / А. В. Иванова // Первый шаг в науку : тезисы докладов 72-й научно-технической конференции учащихся, студентов и магистрантов, Минск, 21-29 апреля 2021 г. - Минск : БГТУ, 2021. – С. 895-896.
Abstract: 12/02/2021 is a great palindrome of this year. Such a mirror magic date occurs once a century. I was really interested in this numeric phenomenon so I decided to find out whether such words exist in the English language. While studying English dictionaries and books I faced with such words as “level”, “refer” and they attracted my attention because I could read them in the same way forward and backward. So the aim of our work focuses on studying English palindromes and creation the exercises that can help to insert English palindromes in the process of studying.
Appears in Collections:Первый шаг в науку : тезисы докладов 72-й научно-технической конференции учащихся, студентов и магистрантов, Минск, 21-29 апреля 2021 г. / [редкол.: А. В. Лихачева [и др.]. - Минск : БГТУ, 2021. - 1015 c.

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