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Title: Research of factors of growth of innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus
Authors: Karpenka, Elena Mikhaylovna
Pavlova, Dar’ya Alekseevna
Keywords: innovation activity
econometric model
innovation susceptibility
research costs
variable research
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Karpenkа E. M., Pavlova D. A. Research of factors of growth of innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus // Труды БГТУ. Сер. 5, Экономика и управление. 2022. № 1 (256). С. 53-59.
Abstract: Today, innovative activity, generating an increase in export revenue, plays an increasingly important role in the Belarusian economy and not only. The authors of the article substantiate the need to study the experience of 10 countries of the world in order to identify the elements of the economic mechanism, influencing which it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the information and communication technologies sphere and strengthen its competitive position. This study examines 35 indicators for ten countries for the period from 2006 to 2020. Using econometric methods of analysis, the authors constructed a regression model of the dependence of the amount of research and development costs (COST) (percentage of GDP) on twelve exogenous variables, analyzed the degree of influence of these variables and the possibility of managing them
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