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Title: History of the blockchain: how does it work?
Authors: Stanchik, M. A.
Keywords: blockchain
History of the blockchain
digital technologies
история блокчейна
цифровые технологии
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: БГТУ
Citation: Stanchik, M. A. History of the blockchain: how does it work? / M. A. Stanchik // 74-я научно-техническая конференция учащихся, студентов и магистрантов : тезисы докладов, 17-22 апреля 2023 г., Минск : в 4 ч. Ч. 3. - Минск : БГТУ, 2023. – С. 450-451.
Abstract: Purpose of the work: to find a complete understanding of blockchain technology and its application in various industries, and studying the history of blockchain; to find out how this technology has evolved over time and what problems it solves; to find out how blockchain validates and stores data, what advantages this process has over traditional data storage methods, and what limitations and problems exist in using blockchain.
Appears in Collections:материалы конференции постатейно

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