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Title: Direction of phosphogyrsum utilization phosphogypsum utilization
Authors: Kuzmenkov, D. M.
Shalukho, N. M.
Lukash, E. V.
Kuzmenkov, M. I.
Keywords: cement
cement clinker
disposal of phosphogypsum
industrial waste
цементный клинкер
промышленные отходы
утилизация фосфогипса
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Direction of phosphogyrsum utilization phosphogypsum utilization / D. M. Kuzmenkov [et al] // Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции "Инженерно-техническое образование и наука", Новороссийск, 21-22 апреля 2023 г. - Новороссийск : Изд-во НФ БГТУ им. В. Г. Шухова. - P. 115. - Bibliogr: 1 nam.
Abstract: An expedient direction of industrial waste disposal is their use in the production of large-tonnage construction materials, which allows up to 40% reduction in the cost of material resources used in their production. In the cement industry, waste from related industries is widely used – instead of natural carbonate and clay raw materials, aluminosilicate technogenic products (slags, ash, etc.) are used. In Russia in the 1980s, the share of waste in cement production reached 26%.
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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