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Title: Wear of 16MnCrS5 steel surface layers in the pulsing contact loads
Authors: Stepankin, I.
Kuis, D.
Pozdnyakov, E.
Naizabekov, A.
Lezhnev, S.
Panin, E.
Keywords: steels 16MnCrS5
сталь 16MnCrS5
wear of steels
износ сталей
layers on surface
поверхностный слой
pulsing contact load
пульсирующая контактная нагрузка
thermal treatment
термическая обработка
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Wear of 16MnCrS5 steel surface layers in the pulsing contact loads / I. Stepankin [и др.] // Metalurgija. - 2023. - Vol. 62, № 3-4. - С. 437-439. - Bibliogr.: 12 nam. - il.
Abstract: Approaches to actualizing the use of modern alloy steels that are in demand in the Eurasian technological space are ed. According to the criterion of resistance to contact fatigue, quantitative indicators of wear of the surfacehardened layers of steel 16MnCrS5 were revealed. With the contact stress amplitude up to 950 MPa, the composite material of carbonized and nitrocemented layers is characterized by a period of high resistance with minimal mani- festations of structural hardening by the mechanism of softening of the material. The obtained composite material with carbonized and nitrocemented layers is characterized by a period of high resistance up to 15 000 cycles.
Appears in Collections:Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

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