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Название: Elimination of fine-dispersed slime negative impact on the process of phosphorite enrichment
Авторы: Mozheiko, F. F.
Potkina, T. N.
Goncharik, I. I.
Voitenko, A. I.
Shevchuk, V. V.
Ключевые слова: фосфаты
обогащение фосфатных руд
дегазация фосфатов
фосфатные руды
Дата публикации: 2012
Издательство: BSTU
Библиографическое описание: Elimination of fine-dispersed slime negative impact on the process of phosphorite enrichment / F. F. Mozheiko [et al.] // Proceedings of BSTU. Issue 3 : Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. – Minsk : BSTU, 2012. – P. 98-102
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article deals with the results of studies on elimination of the negative impact of fine slime on the process of phosphate ore flotation. For this purpose it was proposed to carry out phosphate desliming by flotation method using non-ionic surfactants as a reagent-collector, as well as by phosphate ore separating in the strong magnetic field. The results of experiments on the flotation of the initial phosphate ore with particle size –0,16 mm and a non-magnetic fraction of the ore, selected after the separation of ore in a strong magnetic field, show that the flotation of non-magnetic fraction occurs much more efficiently than the original ore flotation.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.belstu.by/handle/123456789/6568
Располагается в коллекциях:2012, № 3

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